When it comes to the services it provides for its members and friends, Aberdeen First United Methodist Church is diverse.

Morning Worship is held on Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
as well as Vespers at 5:00.

There are Sunday School classes for people of all ages and interests.

We cannot worship without the chancel choir. Their weekly anthems get you ready for church, and everyone in the neighborhood enjoys their seasonal cantatas.

Through the Methodist Youth Fellowship, our church provides wonderful programming for young people. Bible studies, chorus, retreats, puppet friends, and confirmation classes.

The United Methodist Children’s Club (UMC), choir, summer fun days, Vacation Bible School, and Wednesday afternoon programs are all part of the Children’s Ministries.

In order to provide our young men a direction in life and to help them develop into responsible adults, First United Methodist sponsors a scouting program.

The Rolling Methodists are a fun-loving organization of Christians over 55 that get together and do trips and eat meals that are wholesomely Christian.

The United Methodist Women give a college scholarship, support missionary programs, maintain the parsonage, and offer bible study through church circles.

Every third Sunday of the month, the United Methodist Men have a breakfast gathering with a program.
Boy Scout Troop 39 in the area is sponsored by them.

Activities for Lent – First United Methodist has made church-sponsored Lent dinners a tradition.

Almost all church services and programs have a professionally staffed nursery for infants and young children.